Minecraft Server The Green Cod

Hey! I am Vergor! The owner of the The Green Cod MC server! I want to tell you that I just reopened the server under the name of TGC v2! It has the same map my players made and also it still has the player data. So, if you were a player on the server and you want to come back, your rank is still there, your house is still there! The IP is *TGCv2.MCserver.US* ! The VERSION is 1.15.2! Come and play with us! Also, you can watch my trailer I made for the server on youtube right now! LINK: https://youtu.be/pvXK4uj-Vn4

Status: Online
IP: TGCv2.MCserver.us
Uptime: 99.2%
Country: US
Players: 0/25
Code einbetten

Added: Admin Created: 12/08/2020